We exist to re-imagine the workplace.

At ibelong, we study workplace scenarios that lead to dissatisfaction and have built a neurochemical framework to not only understand why people are feeling undervalued, but more importantly, how to change it.


We know that 88% of employees leave companies because they don’t feel trusted, valued or that their contributions matters.

We now know when we engage in high trust interactions, our bodies secrete oxytocin, the neurochemical attributed to the feelings of safety and belonging.

Neurochemistry is not just connected to your personal well-being, it is tied to your business.

It is the invisible element attached to each and every person who works for your company and effects hiring, retaining and supporting your work force.

Work qualifications are only the beginning, every person, regardless of their qualifications has the ability to increase or decrease your profits.

When employees feel appreciated, engagement goes up 80% and burnout drops by 40%.

Let’s put that in dollars and cents.

Companies are losing billions of dollars each year because of unhappy employees and toxic work environments.
Employees who are not engaged cost their company 18% of their salary. In a company of 10,000 employees with an average salary of $50k, costs the company $60.3M in focused energy.

Employees seek organizations that not only value them, but who also invest in them, because each person brings so much more than their qualifications to work everyday.

And what they bring,
creates your culture.

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Imagine workplaces that prioritize well-being and mental health over snack bars.

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If you are interested in supporting your workforce in new ways, offer your leadership team the tools they need to attract and retain talent.

As leaders, we have to ask ourselves, how are we developing whole humans and creating safe places?